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The Alchemy of Ascension Podcast

Jan 26, 2021

Katie is an intuitive coach, healer, and empath.  She restores alignment to the physical, emotional, and spiritual states by combining oils, energy, and education that is tailored to each individual’s needs. Katie is a Blue Diamond doTERRA leader with a team of thousands.  Her main focus is using the essential oils in...

Jan 25, 2021

Pamala Oslie is an author, consultant, radio show host, professional psychic intuitive, and aura expert. Pamala has appeared on numerous television and radio shows. She has also been featured in many national magazines. Pam has written four successful and popular books, Life Colors, Love Colors, Infinite You and Make...

Jan 13, 2021

Cynthia Occelli is the author of Hay House book Resurrecting Venus, a mentor, and an entrepreneur. She is the founder of The Beautiful Life School, an online academy for women who want to reinvent their lives. Cynthia’s mission is to end suffering by supporting and strengthening the most powerful force of change in...

Jan 5, 2021

Dr. Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, the founder of Gaia Sagrada Spiritual Retreat Center in Ecuador and she is the founder of Free Retreats For All.  Christine travels and offers spirituality and meditation workshops, including Ayahuasca, San Pedro and Magic Mushroom ceremonies to...