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The Alchemy of Ascension Podcast

Jul 28, 2023

Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda

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Dayna Dunbar is an award-winning novelist published by Ballantine Books as well as a spiritual facilitator and coach. In June 1994, she had an encounter with an extraterrestrial being of light while camping in Sedona, Arizona and got guidance that she would one day write about this race of beings, and that began her writing journey. Dayna attended the University of Santa Monica and received her master’s degree in spiritual psychology. As part of this program, she not only learned to be a spiritual counselor, she also wrote her first novel. Upon graduating, she received the University’s Student of the Year award along with bestselling inspirational author Iyanla Vanzant.

When facilitating clients, Dayna specializes in the healing of deep unconscious beliefs that are outpicturing as suffering, lack and conflict in their lives. She assists them in a having a true awakening to the infinite, divine presence that they are through unwinding the mind from conditioning and unhealed ego patterns, from their current lifetime as well as other incarnations. She also works with hospice patients and their families as a conscious dying coach.

Free Gift:  The true story of Dayna’s extraterrestrial encounter in PDF format that includes pictures. 

Dayna specializes in the healing of deep unconscious beliefs that are outpicturing as suffering, lack and conflict in their lives. She assists them in a having a true awakening to the infinite, divine presence that they are through unwinding the mind from conditioning and unhealed ego patterns, from their current lifetime as well as other incarnations. She also works with hospice patients and their families as a conscious dying coach.