Nov 30, 2021
Millie Parmer is a Spiritual observer of love, life and magic. Creator and founder of Sacred Journey. She is a cheerleader of love expanding on the sacredness of our spiritual journey. She helps others navigate through the muck into their own inner beauty and strength.
Just like the lotus flower, we all have the...
Nov 24, 2021
Fernando Vossa is an independent Bio-Futurist, Terra Healer, Free Energy Researcher, Consciousness Scientist, and Artivist. Fernando is developing a sustainable dome home called the Vossahedron. The Vossahedron Project is an integration of heart based wisdom & quantum technologies to establish an architecture that...
Nov 22, 2021
Avalaura Gaither is an internationally celebrated Intuitive Consultant and Life Coach who passionately assists individuals who dare to live their best lives.
She guides clients through a powerful healing process that helps them discover who they are, who they wish to be, and how to get there.
Avalaura is a Licensed...
Nov 11, 2021
Yukia is dedicated to experiencing and expressing her Inter-Galactic Starseed trajectory by travelling the world as a Walk in Soul , a Guardian Gatekeeper, Wayshower, a Transformation Light Language Activator/Decoder, a Higher Consciousness change agent, a facilitator of events and an Inter-Galactic Mentor.
Yukia has...
Nov 10, 2021
Getrude Matshe is an inspirational speaker who has been described as a vibrant bundle of African energy whose zest and passion for life inspires everyone she meets. She is passionate about helping people achieve their full potential and find their individual life purpose. She is passionate about individuals’ success....